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Internal Training 2.0 with Cosimo Tassone - Lean Management

[Translate to Englisch:] Lean-Management 2.0

Internal Training 2.0 with Cosimo Tassone - Lean Management

At Schramme, we are always striving to improve continuously. It's all the more rewarding when colleagues can benefit from colleagues!

+++ Problem Shredder - Ishikawa 5W1H Analysis +++

  • Problem description (5W1H analysis)
  • Problem Cause (Ishikawa/5W Analysis)
  • Problem solution (solutions, cost-benefit diagram, measures)
  • Solution verification (optimization process, new standard)

Continuous #education and #communication are key to success - and it's something we take to heart.

Once again, a big thank you goes out to @cosimo.tassone, who adds distinct value to the company with his expertise!

Your Schramme team!