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Internal training - when colleagues learn from colleagues

Internal Training Lean Management

At Schramme we are always looking for ways to improve.

In a recent training course with Cosimo Tassone, we dealt with the topic of lean management. Continuing education and communication are the keys to success - and this is something we take to heart.

LEAN is daily business! "Better a bad standard than none" and DO means to do something steadily and consistently:

  • Phases in the change process
  • 8 types of waste
  • See/Learn (Added Value & Waste)
  • 5S


Subsequently, these techniques were carried out on a simple example "JIT simulation cardboard business game" and after several runs the set goals were achieved:

  • Reduction of the DLZ
  • Reduction of stock in circulation
  • Reduction in rejects
  • Reduction in are


A big thank goes out to @Cosi!

Your Schramme-Team!